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Call for Proposalse

​The 2025 ANATS National Conference, Inspiring Voices: Teaching Singing Today and Tomorrow, is an opportunity to bring together singing teachers, singers, voice practitioners and researchers in a collegial and informative environment.

You are warmly invited to submit a proposal to be considered for inclusion in the conference program.

Abstracts may be submitted for

  • A talk. A talk will last 20 minutes, followed by a 5-minute question time. The talk should present on a topic related to the conference theme and will be grouped into sessions according to content.

  • An interactive workshop. An interactive workshop should be practical in nature and focus on real-time demonstration with the attendees or with participating singers organized in advance. Workshops will last up to 45 minutes, followed by a 5-minute question time.​

  • A lecture recital. This is an opportunity to for you to present a performance with insightful commentary, so as to combine vocal expression with academic reflection. These will last up to 45 minutes.

  • A poster presentation. Posters will be on display for the duration of the conference. There will also be dedicated times in the program schedule when authors can meet with conference delegates to discuss the topic presented. The submitted poster Abstract (max 350 words) and the actual poster should contain the investigator’s objectives, methods, results and conclusions.


All talks, workshops, lecture recitals, and poster presentations will be delivered in-person at the Ian Potter Southbank Centre, home of the Melbourne Conservatorium of Music, Melbourne, Victoria.

Key Dates
Deadline for submissions: 3 January 2025
Notification to presenters: 15 January 2025
Super Earlybird registration deadline: 14 February 2025
Earlybird registration deadline: 31 March 2025


​The topic of your talk, poster presentation, lecture recital or workshop should address singing practice, pedagogy and research related to the conference theme: inspiration.

All presenters must register for the conference.

Presenters wishing to be considered must complete and submit the online application form. A complete submission will include:

  • Title

  • Presenter name(s) and affiliation(s)

  • 150-word presenter bio(s)

  • Presenter head shot(s)

  • 350-word abstract

  • Technical and A/V needs​​


All submissions will be evaluated by the ANATS Ltd Conference Committee. As we strive to create a diverse and inclusive conference program, all proposals will be considered.​



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