You are warmly invited to join ANATS - the Australian National Association of Teachers of Singing. All of our members agree to operate under our Code of Ethics.
Benefits of becoming a member
We're with you throughout your career, strongly advocating for the teaching of singing in Australia. As a member of ANATS you're entitled to:
Voluntary listing on
ANATS website and online
teachers directory
Free members-only
Special member prices at all ANATS professional development events.
Access to members-only section of ANATS website and a range of resources to assist your teaching
Access to members eNewsletter
Access to special interest Facebook groups - Classical, Contemporary, Music Theatre, Young Voice
and Research
Access to Australian Voice annual journal
Support and friendship for singing teachers throughout Australia
Membership categories
There are several ways you can become a member of ANATS:
Full Member
A person who supports the objectives of ANATS.
A full-time student who provides evidence of a current student card or student card from a previous calendar year
Student Member
A Member may apply for Life Membership which will be granted on payment of a one-time Life Membership fee equal to ten (10) times the applicable at the time of application
Life Member
Geoffrey Ashenden
“I’ve always valued my ANATS membership. It’s a great network of like-minded and dedicated voice professionals, and provides opportunities to both learn from and support colleagues.”

Adele Nisbet
"ANATS literally opened up a quality world of inspiration - for my singing, for my teaching and for exploring how the voice works. It wasn’t just about textbooks, it was about making people connections, sharing and enjoying the journey of discovery. The old adage is still true – the more you put into it the more you get out of it. This should be an opportunity open for you all through ANATS, so why not be a joiner AND a contributor….."

Pat H. Wilson
"Shortly after ANATS began I heard about it while living in Adelaide. When I moved to Sydney, I joined the NSW Chapter.
ANATS continues to be a home for my profession, an inspiration for my research, a supportive and encouraging educational source, and an unparalleled network of people who work in my trade.
ANATS accretes a knowledge base where the generosity of shared information helps every singing teacher to learn, grow and give even more to their students and their profession."
Melissa Forbes
"It’s important for singing teachers to stay up to date with the latest developments in voice science and best-practice pedagogy. ANATS provides excellent professional development opportunities for its members, which in turn means better results for students."