Toolbox Top-up: Fly on the wall Sunday, May 15, 1:30-5pm
Birralee Hall
57 Carwoola St Bardon QLD
Attend in-person or online Calling all singing teachers: learn some brand new teaching tools at our 2022 Toolbox Top-Up Event! Come and snoop on demonstration lessons by some of Brisbane's best singing teachers and pedagogues. Get the low-down on what they're doing and why it works!
As singing teachers, we very rarely get to watch others teach. This event is your chance to observe a series of singing lessons given by three different experts – Dr Ron Morris (breathing and support), Wendy Rolls (young voice) and Tracey Osmond (contemporary pedagogy and style). These master teachers will discuss why they've chosen specific exercises - the purpose, the pedagogy and physiology behind them. It's a masterclass but with so much more detail!
Each teacher will showcase a student with different issues to be worked on (no already polished masterclass performances here!) so you can see how to approach different vocal problems including: alignment, breath flow and support, registration, resonance, tension, articulation, stylistic concerns... we want you to come along and, quite frankly, steal all the ideas, exercises and tricks that you see!
New to teaching? We’d love to meet you! Come along to a free morning tea beforehand for a chance to mingle with other ‘early career’ teachers and members of the ANATS Qld committee.
Can’t come on the day? This event will be recorded and made available for one month after the event so you can still register and watch at a time that suits you.