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ANATS holds a biennial National Conference, providing an opportunity to bring together singers, singing teachers, voice practitioners and those involved in voice research in a collegial and informative environment. Featuring international keynote presenters, papers, presentations, workshops, special interest group discussion and social networking opportunities, it is the peak professional development event on the ANATS calendar.


Our next conference will be held October 1-4, 2020 in Adelaide. More details will be added as they become available. In the meantime, please enjoy reading the reviews from our 2018 Conference!


The 2018 National Conference: October 4th-7th


From October 4th-7th, The Fairmont Resort in Leura, Blue Mountains was ringing with the sounds of singing and singing research! The 2018 National Conference and 30th Anniversary was celebrated in style and with a genuine sense of open discussion, collegiality and celebration of new learning. Thankyou to all presenters, delegates, volunteers and masterclass singers for helping to make this conference so successful!


The keynote presenters said:


“What a pleasure and privilege to be with you all in October (somehow it already seems like a year ago!). I had a wonderful time with you and found everyone to be so open and available. It was, quite honestly, the best conference I've been to in terms of tone and collegiality. That is owed to the ANATS Boards' superior leadership and your generosity as teaching artists. Thank you for allowing me to share my story and work with you. I look forward to more down the road!” – David Sisco, New York 


“It was such an honor and a joy to be a keynote for the Australian National Association of Teachers of Singing!! I met so many wonderful, talented folks whose generous, welcoming spirit and curiosity left me so inspired! Also, meeting a kindred spirit - the mega talented David Sisco - and having the chance to soak in his tremendous energy and deep insights was a thrill!! I’m so grateful to Belinda, Shelli, Di and all the other organizers and participants for creating such a fantastic atmosphere for teaching, learning, and exchanging ideas!! I feel so fortunate for having had this opportunity.” - A/Prof Brian Gill, Indiana University



The delegates said:


“There was a wonderful, collegiate atmosphere with a real willingness to share knowledge and experiences. There was good representation from each state and I found it very encouraging to be part of the national group. I enjoyed having the original members honoured and the wide age range and experience of today's members.”


“Best conference ever!”


“Great vibe and collegiality from committee to delegates. Congrats!”


“I thought this was superbly organised and also one of the first times that both sides of 'contemporary' and 'classical' were presented so closely together... without an 'us' and 'them' mentality. Key note presenters were excellent in this regard as well.”


“Felt very connected to the profession and inspired me to do more research and find out more”


We look forward to seeing you at our next National Conference in Adelaide in 2020!





David in action.jpg
Brian in masterclass.jpg
WA Delegates Report - ANATS 'Resontate' Conference 2018
Fairmont Resort, Leura | October 4-7th

A third of the WA membership made their way to the Blue Mountains for the 30th anniversary conference.  This was a great indication of the interest and dedication WA members have for the art of singing and the teaching of singing.  Delegates declared it “the best ANATS conference ever”, with the WA contingent at the forefront of collegiality and mirth:



Andrea Colcott, Aaron Hales, David Dockery, Robert Hofmann, Briohny Shemeld,
Rebecca Watson, Gosia Slawomirski, Veronica Pulker, Laura Bernay. ABSENT: Liz Pascoe

Two of our members who attended the Masquerade Ball and Conference Dinner courtesy of ANATS WA have recorded some of their conference impressions:




I was fortunate enough to attend the ANATS National Conference from the 4th – 7th of October at the Fairmont Resort, Leura set amongst the beautiful Blue Mountains of NSW. It was a big commitment to head interstate at a busy time of year, but so very worth it. Not only was the conference a hugely successful event with informative and relevant presentations from keynote speakers, Brian Gill and David Sisco, it was also a fun and enjoyable four days of networking and socialising with other members from the association, with the Masquerade Ball being a featured highlight.

The presentations from guest speakers gave an in-depth look into the role of the singer in its current form, vocal/industry trends and potential concerns for our students (i.e. scheduling demands, fatigue, singing in a plethora of musical styles) reinforcing the importance of our role as teachers to be well-informed and to assist and guide our students in the best way possible.


“Teach curiosity, teach vulnerability, practise mindfulness and self-care” – David Sisco


Masquerade Ball:  mystery masked attendees



This was my first year attending the ANATS National conference and it certainly didn’t disappoint! Resonate was an informative and fun four days of networking and soaking up new knowledge and I have come away feeling truly inspired. Highlights for me were listening to the incredible key note speakers Brian Gill and David Sisco. WOW. Watching them both then work their magic in the master-classes was enlightening and brilliant. Having the opportunity to listen again to the incredibly amazing woman Irene Bartlett was indeed another highlight for me. I have always been a passionate teacher but after attending Resonate I have come away feeling refreshed and inspired to be an even better teacher and have already started seeing the results in my students from applying some of the new knowledge and techniques I learnt during the course of the conference.


The Masquerade Ball was of course also a fun event to attend! I was thrilled I had the opportunity to attend the ball. It was a fantastic way to catch up with fellow colleagues, network and relax away from all the learning for an evening. It was wonderful getting glammed up and enjoying the company of other teachers over great food, drinks, a fun photo booth, music and dancing.


A huge thank you to ANATS and all the key note speakers and panellists for organising a well-run, friendly, informative, inspiring conference.




Let’s see what ANATS Conference 2020 in SA brings … maybe there’s a resort in the Barossa?!


ANATS awarded four bursaries this year to assist members with their professional development goals
by attending the 2018 'Resonate' Conference.

Bursary assistance is available to all members of ANATS – more details on 2019 bursaries will be
available early next year. In the meantime, read these fascinating reports from our 2018 recipients!

Victoria Lambourn
ANATS 2018 'Resonate' ConferenceBlue Mountains, NSW
Leanne Brooker
ANATS 2018 'Resonate' Conference
Blue Mountains, NSW
Katerini Manolatos
ANATS 2018 'Resonate' Conference
Blue Mountains, NSW
Sarah Leaver
ANATS 2018 'Resonate' Conference
Blue Mountains, NSW
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