Jobs @ ANATS
ANATS Administrative Assistant
The Administrative Assistant is responsible for delivering administrative services to ANATS Ltd in accordance with the Objects of the Company.
The position reports to the ANATS Ltd National Council, especially the Executive Council, comprised of the National President, National Vice-President, National Treasurer, National Secretary and National Membership Officer.
ANATS will pay $33 per hour, inclusive of superannuation and GST. Hours 16-22 hours per month, delivered remotely. Hours can be flexible, providing fixed deadlines are met.
ANATS Ltd quarterly newsletter (Voice of ANATS) formatting and publication
media intern coordination
social media posting and monitoring
membership support and communicationS
chapter support and communications
organisation and promotion of national webinars (including chapter-hosted webinars)
ANATS blog formatting and publication
other duties as reasonably required by the National Council.
strong written and oral communication skills
experience with standard office productivity software (eg Google Workspace)
ability to learn new applications and programs (eg Issu, Whova, Autocrat)
familiarity with Zoom or other video-conferencing platforms (eg Google Meet; Microsoft Teams)
familiarity with or ability to learn Wix as a platform for website editing
experience in social media engagement (Facebook, Instagram).
communicate in a friendly, respectful, and efficient manner
maintain confidentiality.
ANATS membership and/or familiarity with ANATS Ltd and its objects
event and project management skills
experience in graphic design (CANVA)
experience in database management (Wild Apricot)
experience with email direct marketing (EDM).
Please send your expression of interest and resume to admin@anats.org.au, addressing the criteria outlined in the relevant position description, by 5:00pm Monday 17th April.
Australian Voice Editorial Assistant
The Editorial Assistant will provide editorial and publication services to support the editorial team in producing the ANATS Ltd peer-reviewed, scholarly journal, Australian Voice.
The position reports in the first instance to the Editorial team of Australian Voice, which in turn reports to the National Council, especially the National President. Invoices are submitted to the National Treasurer.
ANATS will pay $65 per hour, inclusive of superannuation and GST. Hours Approximately 40 hours per year, delivered remotely. As this is a new position, these hours might need to be adjusted, with the approval of the ANATS Ltd National Council. Hours can be flexible, providing fixed deadlines are met.
copy-edit submissions on acceptance for publication
thoroughly check all in-text references and reference list for adherence to current APA style
progressive and final formatting and layout of copy-edited submission using the Australian Voice template
provide editorial team with proof for authors
on finalisation of proof, assign digital object identifier (DOI) to articles
compile and publish Australian Voice articles and issues using supplied templates
create landing pages for individual articles on the Australian Voice website
arrange printing of hard copy issues with approved printer
liaise with external stakeholders such as Crossref, EBSCO Host, Informit, Australian National Library, as required
liaise with ANATS Ltd database regarding article/journal access
other duties as reasonably required by the Editorial Board/National Council.
excellent written and oral communication skills
experience in copy editing of academic writing for the purposes of scholarly publication, or within educational contexts
knowledge of academic referencing styles (e.g. APA)
ability to work to deadlines.
excellent word processing skills, specifically using MS Word
familiarity with Adobe Acrobat or similar program for viewing, creating, editing, printing, and managing Portable Document Format files.
familiarity with or ability to learn Google Workspace.
communicate in a friendly, respectful, and efficient manner.
maintain confidentiality.
experience in academic publishing.
familiarity with Zoom or other video-conferencing platforms (eg Google Meet; Microsoft Teams).
ability to learn new skills when required e.g. liaising with CrossRef, Informit and EBSCO, and working with digital object identifiers (DOI)
ability to work independently and consultatively.
ability to create landing pages and upload articles to a website platform (e.g. Wix)
project management experience.
Please send your expression of interest and resume to admin@anats.org.au​, addressing the criteria outlined in the relevant position description, by 5:00pm Monday 17th April.