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Previous WA Chapter Reports - 2012 to 2013


WA Chapter Report - December 2013

Two major events were planned for May and August. The May event, to be a classical and contemporary master class in Bunbury ,unfortunately could not take place. This is now planned for May 2014. On August 24th we held a Soiree for final year high school students to present their WACE exam programmes. This was followed by a candlelight supper. In September we sponsored the ANATS Junior Singing Award at The North of Perth Festival. The first prize of $200 was awarded to David Buckley, student of Robert Hofmann. Equal second certificates were awarded to Isabella Marslen, student of Jane Kjaterleris and Pippa Crawley, student of Maureen Furr.

During the year we said farewell to two significant musical identities. In December, Lois Ritchie, a fine accompanist and generous friend, died suddenly. In January our very special colleague, teacher, wonderful singer and friend Molly McGurk died after a long illness. These two women had been part of the musical life here for over 60 years and will be fondly remembered.

From us here in WA we wish all members and families a very happy Christmas Season and well-earned break. MAUREEN FURR, President Western Australian Chapter

WA CHAPTER NEWS - September 2013

Thank you Queensland for such a fantastic conference event! West Australians who attended the highly successful July 2013 ICVT Congress in Brisbane have been singing the praises of this event and congratulate the hosts, Queensland Chapter of Anats, who presided over the event with great energy, style and foresight. Accolades have been profuse regarding the professional/educational strength of the program; personal, professional and social opportunities; camaraderie enjoyed amongst the conference delegates and generally the overall excellence of the schedule. Our own performance schedule continued with an enthusiastic concert for our WACE students, where seven young singers sang their examination pieces by memory in a concert environment. All singers displayed attractive concert etiquette, intelligent choice of repertoire and a confident delivery. Cake and coffee closed the night, during which these singers had access to experienced teachers who were able to give feedback if requested. An enjoyable and rewarding night of music-making. September sees ANATS WA donating it's annual award for young singers in the North of Perth Eisteddfod. The qualifying criteria for this section is for the entrant to be a student of a member of ANATS. Prize money of $200 is awarded to First Place. Second prize of $50 is only awarded if the section attracts a minimum of 8 entrants. The award has created an incentive for our members to enter singers who may, under different circumstances, not have an opportunity to participate in a competitive environment. WA Chapter ANATS activities close on Sunday October 13 2013 with our AGM.

Megan Sutton, WA Secretary

WA President's Report - 2012

This year we have once again concentrated on holding three events, balancing the needs of both teaching members and students. The membership remains steady.

In May we were fortunate to have Irene Bartlett agree to spend a weekend presenting sessions exploring many aspects of singing style and technique. She once again brought valuable information and “packaged” it in an encouraging and entertaining way.

August was the student “Soiree” for those preparing for the WACE yr 12 exams. Ten students presented their programmes in a very professional manner. The evening concluded with a French themed supper. This was a well attended event with parents and friends.

The WA Chapter Junior Student Singing Award was held at The North of Perth Festival in September. Ten entries were received and both prizes were awarded. Kate Goyder, student of Chris Fillis was 1st prize winner of $200 and Isabella Marslen, student of Jane Kjaterlaris 2nd prize of $50.

Our final event will be the Classical Master class for senior singers preparing for Tertiary admission and auditions or AMEB exams. Linda Barcan,a voice lecturer from WAAPA Classical department will be the presenter, held at the “Kurrajong” theatre

We have once again had the help from Barry Palmer and the AMEB in allowing us to use the lovely “Kurrajong” Theatre at the Claremont Campus of UWA.

Many thanks to the committee for their enthusiasm and support once again.

Our hope is that we have given teachers and students opportunities to meet and exchange ideas and being “encouragers “to one another.

Warmest Wishes

Maureen Furr

(President WA Chapter)

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