After such a wonderful concert last year, ANATS NSW would like to again like to celebrate World Voice Day with a concert featuring a range of singers, showcasing different vocal styles and different phases of vocal development. We will aim to feature a range of young voices, semi-professional voices and older voices across a range of musical styles, including classical, music theatre and CCM. The concert will be held on Saturday 9 April 2022 6.30pm at Pitt St Uniting Church. Tickets are by donation with all donations going to Music for Change Inc. You can book tickets HERE. Music for Change Inc. is a not-for-profit organisation founded in July 2013 by Melbourne based singer Sandra Bell. The motto for Music for Change is ‘Make real change to make change real’. Music For Change Inc believe that music can bring about an amazing transformation and know that it can often be the one great thing in a persons’ life. and is dedicated to providing assistance to students - predominantly under the age of 18 - who show particular talent in a music related field who are also considered financially disadvantaged. Such assistance may be in the form of financial support for tuition or purchase of an instrument. Head to to donate. Donations will also be accepted on the day.

Please note that the health and safety of our audience members, performers and ANATS members is of the utmost importance to ANATS NSW. For this reason, we ask that all performers and audience members 16 years of age and over be vaccinated (ie. have received at least 2 doses of COVID vaccine) or have a medical exemption. Masks will be encouraged for all those who are not performing.